Terry “Emotion trumps reason when our own ass is on the line. ”
So very true.The power of emotion must never be underestimated. What we consciously think, can be overridden by our subconscious if we feel we are in danger. The fear of death is a major reason religion survives.
I was in Italy last year and stayed in Apulia. This is the poor part of Italy, very flat and at the heel end of the shoe shape. The older buildings included the faded glory of the Baroque period. Most of the recent buildings were made of breeze-blocks and cement with laundry hanging from their windows.
It seems that all available money in these poor areas had been spent on the Roman Catholic churches. They are so religious that even their wine has a denomination. Anyone who opposed the power of the church was tortured to death. We were told of one unfortunate fellow who was hung by his thumbs and skinned alive. It reminded me that my tax bill was due.
One church had a stone floor and carpeted ceiling. I stood on my head in an attempt to understand their religion better. On Sunday everyone was out in their Sunday best to celebrate Easter. I listened to an Easter service in Italian just for the hell of it, and I wondered why they used unleavened bread to represent Christ’s body when ‘Christ is risen?’
Apparently if I agree to leave all my money to the church when I die, the men in black skirts can square things for me and save me from hell. It seems that cash is king in this world and the next. As parting with money IS my idea of hell, I will cut out the middle man and do my own negotiating.